The Budget Deck Article - Defiance Update

The Budget Deck Article - Defiance Update

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Sunyveil is back with his budget decklists updated for Set 5! Whether you prefer aggro, control, or combo, there's something for everybody here. READ MORE ›
A Beginner's Guide to Rakano Aggro - Krizalio

A Beginner's Guide to Rakano Aggro - Krizalio

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Guest author Krizalio provides and extensive guide for new players playing the popular archetype Rakano Aggro and breaks down his card choices for the deck. READ MORE ›
Speedrunning from a New Account to Masters in Ranked

Speedrunning from a New Account to Masters in Ranked

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Sunyveil takes a brand new account and pushes it to Masters with a five-rare Feln deck! READ MORE ›
Four Budget Decks That Really Work

Four Budget Decks That Really Work

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Suny takes new players through four of the best budget decks to help them get started! READ MORE ›
Leading the League with Suny - October Week 1

Leading the League with Suny - October Week 1

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This week, Sunyveil guides you through the most +EV mode in Eternal, League! READ MORE ›
Eternal Playbook 1

Eternal Playbook 1

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ManuS coaches EndOfUnknown through various aspects of Eternal to help him improve. READ MORE ›
A Rockpacker's Guide to Matchups - Fire Aggro Mirror

A Rockpacker's Guide to Matchups - Fire Aggro Mirror

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AhornDelfin talks about the Skycrag vs Stonescar matchup and about the lessons you can learn from looking closely at the deck lists. READ MORE ›
Finkel's Playhouse - Curated Pack Guide

Finkel's Playhouse - Curated Pack Guide

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Finkel outlines the cards to watch for when drafting curated packs. READ MORE ›
Finkel’s Playhouse - FoA Draft Ratings

Finkel’s Playhouse - FoA Draft Ratings

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Finkel introduces Sunyveil’s draft pick ratings and gives his thoughts about the new draft format. READ MORE ›
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