Eternal Brews - Vara Combo

Eternal Brews - Vara Combo

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ManuS shares a sweet Combo Deck inspired by one of his viewers. READ MORE ›
Eternal Top Decks - TJP Alessi Aggro v2

Eternal Top Decks - TJP Alessi Aggro v2

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ManuS brings back an old powerhouse in TJP Alessi Aggro thanks tot he latest balance changes. READ MORE ›
Eternal Top Decks - Talir Combo

Eternal Top Decks - Talir Combo

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ManuS shares his take of Talir Combo and how to properly play it with you in his latest Eternal Top Decks Series. READ MORE ›
Eternal Contenders - Feln Berserk

Eternal Contenders - Feln Berserk

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ManuS shares his take on Feln Berserk that he carefully curated with his buddy and MTG Pro Patrick Dickmann. READ MORE ›
Eternal Brews - Eilyn Ramp

Eternal Brews - Eilyn Ramp

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ManuS shares a cool new brew of his with you where you get to cheat out Aid of the Hooru. READ MORE ›
Everything About Charge Rod

Everything About Charge Rod

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Grimfan walks you through his deck tech for his beloved Charge Rod. READ MORE ›
Eternal Essentials - Archetypes: Combo

Eternal Essentials - Archetypes: Combo

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ManuS discusses the combo archetype and its intricacies. READ MORE ›
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