Eternal Contenders - Hooru Control v2

Eternal Contenders - Hooru Control v2

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ManuS shares his first post-Homecoming Deck with you in this Eternal Contenders Series. READ MORE ›
A Rockpackers Deck Tech - Temporary Brilliance

A Rockpackers Deck Tech - Temporary Brilliance

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Ahorn Delfin brings back the fun that is Temporal Control. READ MORE ›
Eternal Contenders - Argenport Control v2

Eternal Contenders - Argenport Control v2

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ManuS' shares his post-Defiance update on Argenport Control. READ MORE ›
Eternal Top Decks - FJS Cookbook Control

Eternal Top Decks - FJS Cookbook Control

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ManuS shares his updated version of crankypanda's Reunion FJS Cookbook Control list. READ MORE ›
Eternal Contenders - Argenport Control

Eternal Contenders - Argenport Control

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ManuS walks you through his Argenport Control before jumping into battle with it at the top of Masters. READ MORE ›
Winning Shadowfall - A Tournament Report by Kardinole

Winning Shadowfall - A Tournament Report by Kardinole

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Guest writer Kardinole takes you through his tournament report from his latest win in DWD's first organised play test tournament. READ MORE ›
Eternal Contenders - Kennadins

Eternal Contenders - Kennadins

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ManuS shares his Kennadins list updated with Into Shadow with you. READ MORE ›
Eternal Brews - Eilyn Ramp

Eternal Brews - Eilyn Ramp

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ManuS shares a cool new brew of his with you where you get to cheat out Aid of the Hooru. READ MORE ›
Eternal Top Decks - Temporal Control

Eternal Top Decks - Temporal Control

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ManuS talks about his take on CrankyPanda's Temporal Control and shows it in action. READ MORE ›
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