The Budget Deck Article - Defiance Update
By Sunyveil /
Sunyveil is back with his budget decklists updated for Set 5! Whether you prefer aggro, control, or combo, there's something for everybody here. READ MORE ›
A Beginner's Guide to Rakano Aggro - Krizalio
By Guest Author /
Guest author Krizalio provides and extensive guide for new players playing the popular archetype Rakano Aggro and breaks down his card choices for the deck. READ MORE ›
Draft Tutorial for New Players
By Sunyveil /
In this video series, Sunyveil explains how to get started with draft for newer players, including usage of the ET Draft Tier List and KimoEt's draft tool. READ MORE ›
A Rockpacker's Guide For New Players
By AhornDelfin /
Ahorn shares his tips for hitting the ground running in Eternal. READ MORE ›